Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Great Day Times Two

Today was my lucky day!

First, I got a note from a parent asking what I was doing to her daughter. She said this is the first time she's enjoyed an English class. Not only was I honored, but I was surprised. We're studying A Tale of Two Cities, which is not normally a fan favorite.

Secondly, I was asked to attend a union meeting with a few of the local big-wigs, but this meant I had to get a sub for the second half of the school day. Not only did I get my favorite sub (and her grandson is in my class--odd, eh?), but when I arrived at the meeting they told me I was mistakenly invited and I should go enjoy my afternoon. They already paid for the sub, so woo-hoo!

I'm now caught up on my grading!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Cha-ching!! Great day for you!