Sunday, July 22, 2007


Having just finished the final installment (awesome!) in the Harry Potter heptology, I began to reflect on the books from my childhood which have propelled me to love language and to keep one volume or another open at all times.

1. The Hardy Boys
- My mother would read a chapter a day to me on the back steps of our house until I was able to read these books on my own. Then, of course, I ravenously read the entire series numerous times.
2. The Three Investigators
- I loved these books. After I had practically memorized the adventures and Frank and Joe Hardy, these books helped me continue my mystery story obsession.
3. Choose Your Own Adventure books
- These interactive books were great! I could read them numerous times and discover every possible ending. Loved them!
4. Lucifer's Hammer
- This was the first "adult" book I had ever read when I was about seven. It pushed me to read more science fiction, which I still enjoy to this day.
5. Best Foot Forward
- My first sports love was soccer, and I read this book numerous times until I had literally read the cover off of it.

1 comment:

Clix said...

Hey, I saw your question about ELA bloggers over on the Carnival of Education - feel free to stop by mine. I'll warn you that things are going to be slow for a bit, as I'm getting ready to head back in... ACK! DAY AFTER TOMORROW! EEP!

Anyway, just wanted to say that I *love* Choose Your Own Adventure books! I have a couple of them in my classroom library and we're actually going to be watching a CYOA-style movie in our study of the plot cycle.