Thursday, October 25, 2007

It's Over

Conference week is over!

I love conference week, but I'm even more happy to see it end. This week could be the most fatiguing of the entire year.

Normally, we teach half-days and then conduct conferences with parents for two nights and two afternoons. However, this year the Boss Lady (after canceling Open House if you'd forgotten) changed the schedule to three nights. While this may not sound earth-shattering, three split shifts with coaching, activity advising, and other meetings is a torturous stretch.

I must admit I was on cruise-control for the last day.

Still, I love talking to the parents. They are so appreciative of the opportunity to meet their students' teachers and to hear first-hand what is happening (or not happening) in the classroom.

The best conferences are when the students arrive with the parents. With these, I just start asking the student questions until he/she has essentially led the session. It's great!

Tomorrow is the last half-day, so a couple of us are going to play basketball right after the final period. Following that I have a three hour drive to our football game in a far corner of the state. Late night, but we'll win the league title tomorrow. Go team!

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